
How To Delete Date Top Of Blog Post Wordpress

Date and metadata can be quite important for a post's identity. By default, posts can be distinguished and categorized based on author metadata, creation and modification date. Furthermore, posts are arranged in a chronological order by default which makes it easier to understand which content is new and which content is older.

However, there might be circumstances when removing date and relating metadata can be useful. The need for this feature is evident when you intend to create an 'evergreen' post. A single post that is updated over time and content is added to it. This lets your readers use a single post for all the information that they need and ensure that the content is updated whenever required.

Similar you can publish nontime oriented content by removing dates from your posts. This also lets you update the posts whenever you want rather than on a regular schedule. This can be quite useful in nonblog based websites as in a lot of cases date and author information will not be relevant to your viewers.

Furthermore, we can also hide author info from our posts. This is useful when there's only a single author on your website or you want all your posts to represent the website or the company itself instead of a single individual. Hiding author information can also go a long way to protect people's personal identity if you run an online news website or magazine.

Removing Date from posts:

There are 2 ways we can use to remove the date from WordPress Posts

  • Remove dates using CSS
  • Removing dates using Plugins

Remove Date from WordPress posts Using CSS:

The native way in WordPress to remove post dates is simply using the Additional CSS feature that themes prominently contain.

First, open Appearance editor by clicking/hovering on Appearance on the Dashboard sideboard and then click on Customize.

Then click on Additional CSS to enter the following CSS code:

.entry-meta .byline, .entry-meta .cat-links { display: none; } .entry-meta .posted-on { display: none; }        

Remove_date_from_wordpress_posts-Additonal CSS

Once you insert it, click on Publish on the top of the window to save your changes.


Now the date and author info from your posts should be hidden. A note to remember with this method is that by using this process we are only hiding the Date and metadata from the frontend. The data still exists in the backend which can be useful for other purposes such as categorization and listing.

Furthermore, this ensures that search engines can read your metadata and post date as well and the date will be shown on search engine snippets.


Using plugins:

For a more beginner friendly approach, we can also use WordPress plugins to remove or hide dates and author info from our posts. There are quite a few of these plugins available on the market. We've listed out the plugins which we believe is the best for general use for our readers.

Wp Meta and Date remover


One of the most popular plugins available for removing post dates and meta information, this plugin lets you remove data from backend or frontend using PHP functions or CSS code. Using backend or PHP codes lets you completely remove metadata and dates from the source itself.

Wp Meta and Date remover is extremely easy to use and the plugin lets you add use exclusion for posts where you want to show date.

Key features:

  • Backend and Frontend date removal
  • Individual post option for exclusions
  • Easy to use and beginner friendly.

Download + Demo + Details

Wp Author, Date and Meta remover


As opposed to just a date remover, this plugin not only lets you remove the metadata and date but also personalize it and add in different details if necessary. You can insert useful information regarding the pages or your WordPress website instead of providing author info and date and more.

From custom icons and phrases, you can insert them and replace dates, author, category, comments, and tags using Wp Author, Date and Meta remover.

Key features:

  • Compatible with almost all free and premium themes
  • Lets you edit and customize author, date, category, and tags.
  • Built-in tooltips and information for eliminating all areas of confusion for beginners

Download + Demo + Details

Wp Date remover


Another great plugin, WP Date remover lets you quickly remove date and time from your posts. But the catch for this plugin is that you can choose which categories get their date and metadata removed. This means you can have posted on your WordPress website which can have time and dates whereas others don't.

This feature lets you mix in dated and non-dated content on your website effortlessly. The plugin also has a simple interface and is quite easy to use for beginners.

Key features:

  • Simple and easy to use
  • Lets you choose which categories of posts to remove date and time from.
  • Removes date and time from CSS so the backend still exists.

Download + Demo + Details

Using the plugin to Remove Date from WordPress posts:

Now to give a demonstration on how to use these plugins, we'll be using Wp Meta and Date remover. However, do remember that all the other options are completely viable as well and you are free to try out any of these or the ones we've not listed here as well.

First, install the plugin, if you do not know how to, here's a well-written guide to Installing plugins in WordPress.

Once you activate your plugin, all posts will have its date and author data hidden. However, we can change the plugin's settings so that selected individual posts can have their date and author settings enabled.

For this, refer to its settings section. Hover over Settings on your WordPress dashboard and click on Wp Meta and Date remover.


Now we need to enable the plugin's individual option first so Click on the Enable slider to enable the option.


Now open any posts and in the publish box we should have an option that says "Remove Meta and Date"


Unchecking this option will show Meta and Date on your posts. You can also choose to hide dates on your homepage for your posts using the 'Remove from Homepage' options.

The plugin also lets you hide Date and Metadata through PHP and CSS.

Enabling the PHP option will remove the metadata from backend so that search engines cannot retrieve this data either.

Similarly, using the CSS option also hides text and icons related to post dates and metadata using CSS filters. This is the frontend removal and the date and time can be shown on snippets for Google and other search engines.


Once you're done choosing your options, scroll down and click on Save changes to enable your options.


Wrapping up:

Thus through these methods, we can hide or remove your author and date info in your posts. Regardless of what method you use, remember to ensure that you're choosing the right method based on what your website requires. Both backend and frontend methods are viable for different cases and most plugins do an excellent job of explaining which one can be good for you.

Furthermore, if you want to add or remove more features onto your posts, consider reading some of our other articles:

  • How to Add WordPress breadcrumbs
  • Changing WordPress usernames
  • How to manually update WordPress

How To Delete Date Top Of Blog Post Wordpress


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